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INMA and FIPP Young Professional awards

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In October and November of 2020 I was lucky enough to be recognized by two of the leading media industry bodies: INMA (International News Media Association) and FIPP (Fédération Internationale de la Presse Périodique).

INMA named me as one of the 30 rising stars in global news media and I was highlighted in the leadership category.

This year, he was named publisher and chief revenue officer, and has been instrumental in helping teams organise virtual events and generate revenue from them during the pandemic. He also is shaping conversations about where they will go as a media company.
“The fact that I started at the bottom of the organisation serves me well,” he said. “Having the knowledge of how everything works allows me to design better products and help editorial define better strategies.”

FIPP named me as one of the winners of their FIPP & UPM Rising Stars awards.

Publishers left frustrated that the events side of their companies has not been able to get off its knees because of Covid, need only look at the efforts of Nicholas O’Connor for some motivation. Faced with enormous hurdles, the publisher and chief revenue officer at Chile-based magazine AmericaEconomia (one of two Highly Commended entries) managed to oversee a successful pivot to online events and actually bring in more money than before.

It goes without saying that I was absolutely chuffed. Being recognized by your peers always feels good and to be singled out on a global scale even more so. I promise not to let it go to my head.
